PTC Professionalism Creed
PTC Professionalism Creed
I believe professionalism is important in establishing the image & credibility of the College; therefore, I will positively promote the College through my Attitude, Actions and Appearance.
I believe my attitude demonstrates professionalism.
Therefore, I will...
- Maintain a pleasant, approachable demeanor
- Resolve conflict in a healthy, productive manner
- Respect others
I believe my actions demonstrate professionalism.
Therefore, I will...
- Be present, punctual, focused
- Assist rather than refer
- Strive to improve performance
I believe my appearance demonstrates professionalism.
Therefore, I will...
- Dress appropriately
- Maintain a neat, organized work space
- Contribute to the overall campus appearance
Guidelines for Professional Attire
Dress professionally and take pride in your appearance.
Consider the purpose of your position and dress accordingly. If you are unsure about what is appropriate or inappropriate professional dress, use the following guidelines and consult your supervisor.
- Casual Fridays would include:
- Polo/golf shirts
- Jeans not torn/ripped/frayed
- Business Casual capris and crop pants
- Inappropriate dress would include:
- Shorts, sweatpants, sweatshirts, loungewear
- Athletic shoes and sneakers unless approved
- Beach flip flops
- Logo T-shirts and muscle shirts
- Inappropriate or offensive wording or graphics
- Halter and midriff tops, spaghetti-strap and tank tops
- Short skirts and dress (no more than 3 inches above the knee)
- Torn/ripped/ragged jeans or clothing
- Leggings or other form-fitting pants not covered by long top or dress
Employees are expected to be suitably attired and groomed during working hours or when representing the College. Appearance should make a positive, professional impression that reflects good judgment in clothing, grooming and personal cleanliness.
All employees should wear clothing that is appropriate for job requirements, the work environment and the use of any job-related equipment.
Business casual is the standard attire for employees working in an office environment and/or student service-related areas unless otherwise approved by the supervisor.
Employees should wear job appropriate and/or required protective clothing for safety and/or sanitation purposes.
A College approved uniform may be established for designated departments.
The College President and/or supervisors may require professional dress for meetings and/or other events.
The College President may designate specific days when a relaxed dress code will apply.
If a supervisor deems that an employee’s attire or grooming is not in compliance with these guidelines, the employee will be sent home using annual leave and will be required to return to work properly dressed and groomed.
If you have any questions about the above guidelines, please discuss with your supervisor or you may contact Human Resources with questions at or via phone at 864-941-8319.