Military & Veterans

Piedmont Technical College is approved for many college-related educational programs for veterans, disabled veterans, dependents of deceased or totally disabled veterans, as well as active duty, active reservists and national guardsmen. 

Eligibility for benefits is determined by the U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs based on official service records, evidence submitted by the student, and applicable veterans’ laws. 

For questions concerning VA Educational Benefits at Piedmont Technical College, please contact:

Nicole Frosceno-Tracey, Veterans Services Coordinator
Administration Building, Room 110A
620 N. Emerald Rd
Greenwood, SC 29646                                                                            
[email protected]


Available Programs

Chapter 30 The Montgomery G.I. Bill®

This program provides educational benefits to individuals entering military service after June 30, 1985.

Chapter 31 Veterans Readiness and Employment

This program is for individuals who have a compensable service connected disability and the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs determines that training and rehabilitation services are needed to overcome an employment handicap.

Chapter 35 Dependents Educational Assistance Program

This program is for dependents (spouse or children) of individuals who die or are permanently disabled from service connected causes.

Chapter 1606 Montgomery G.I. Bill®-Selected Reserve.

This program is available to members of the Selected Reserve, including the National Guard.

Chapter 1607 Reserve Educational Assistance Program

This program is available to members of a reserve component who serve on active duty on or after September 11, 2001, for a contingency operation.

Chapter 33 Post 9/11 Veterans Education Assistance Act of 2008

To be eligible, the service member of veteran must have served at least 90 aggregate days on active duty after September 10, 2001.

Applying for Benefits

Step 1: Apply for Admission

Apply for admission to Piedmont Technical College, submit an official high school or GED transcript, complete the placement testing or be exempted by the Admissions Office, and submit official transcript(s) from all colleges, service schools, or tests completed so the college can evaluate credit from prior training.

Step 2: Submit Proof of VA Benefits

If you have not previously received veterans' education benefits, you must establish your eligibility by completing VA Form 22-1990, "Application for Education Benefits" online at

Submit a copy of your Certificate of Eligibility (obtained from the VA) to [email protected].

Step 3: Submit your Transcripts

Veterans must furnish official transcripts from military service and all colleges attended. These should be forwarded to the Student Records Office. An evaluation of all college transcripts must be completed by the end of the second semester of enrollment. Benefits cannot be extended beyond the second semester until this is accomplished. It is the responsibility of the veteran to make sure the evaluation has been completed.

Use the following links to request your military transcripts:

Navy and Marines:
Coast Guard:
Air Force: Air Force

Step 4: Meet with an advisor/Register for classes

Students will meet with an advisor – current students with their assigned academic advisor, new and readmit students with a new student advisor – to review goals, choose courses and register for classes.  Once the Veterans Services Coordinator has certified your coursework to the VA, you will need to notify the Coordinator of any changes to your schedule so that your certification with the VA can be adjusted to reflect the new coursework.

Step 5: Request certification of your benefits with PTC Veterans Services

Complete the Certification Request Form each term you have registered for classes. This form is available in the Veterans section of the "Tuition and Aid" tab in Pathway. Be sure to submit your request for certification every semester for which you wish to use your VA educational benefits.

Important Information Concerning Your Benefits

Prior Credit

The VA office requires that an academic credit evaluation be completed for all military training and previous college experience. This means that college and/or military transcripts must be submitted to Piedmont Technical College for evaluation as early as possible.  Failure to provide college and/or military transcripts for review prior to completing your second term of enrollment can cause delays in benefit processing and possibly a duplication of benefits that can result in benefits needing to be returned to the VA.

Verification of Attendance

Students under Chapters 30, 33, 1606, and 1607 are responsible to notify the VA on the last day of each month or within the first week after to verify your enrollment status. You can call (877) 823-2378 or go online at for enrollment verification.

Tuition Payments

All students are responsible for payment of their tuition and fees to the Business Office by semester payment deadlines.

Veterans utilizing Chapter 33 (Post 9-11) benefits will have their accounts flagged for any tuition and fee payments expected directly from the Dept. of Veterans Affairs.  Any expenses that are not covered by the VA must be paid to the Business Office by the semester payment deadlines.

Classes Eligible for Certification

The VA will only provide benefits for courses that are required under a student's declared program of study. Students may enroll in courses that are not required; however, such courses will not be certified and will not be used in determining the amount of monthly benefits received from the VA. For example, a student enrolled in the Computer Information Technology program taking a Medical Terminology class, will not receive VA benefits for the course since it is not a required course in his/her program of study.  Please see your advisor or use Degree Works located in the Pathway Portal to determine program requirements.

Repeating Courses

As a general rule, the VA will not authorize benefits for the repetition of any class that a student has already satisfactorily completed. For example; a student who earned a “D” in a Business Law class may not use VA benefits to repeat this course, as a passing grade was earned and credit was awarded.  An exception to this rule occurs when a specific letter grade is required for satisfactory completion, and a student's grade falls below that requirement. For example: some Medical Assistant and Nursing classes require students to earn a "C" grade or better. Students who do not earn a “C” or better will be allowed to use VA benefits to repeat the course; however, there is a limit to the number of times that a course may be repeated. Please see the Failing Courses section below for more details.

Minimum GPA Requirements

Student receiving VA educational benefits (veterans, reservists, dependents) must maintain satisfactory academic progress. Students receiving VA benefits that fall below a 2.0 grade point average (GPA) will be placed on academic probation in accordance with the college's Academic Probation policy. Students who fail to make satisfactory progress toward the completion of their program may lose access to the use of VA Educational Benefits at PTC.

Schedule Change

You must notify the Veterans Office within a few days of any increase or decrease in credit hours or if you have terminated enrollment from the school. You may be required to reimburse the VA funds received if you drop or withdraw from classes.


All withdrawals must be reported to the VA Regional Office within 30 days from the date of withdrawing or when the student stops attending.  It is the student's responsibility to report all withdrawals or attendance issues to PTC’s Office of Veteran Affairs immediately to prevent overpayments.  Students are encouraged to register only for those classes they know they can complete.

Compliance with Title 38 US Code 3679(e)

In accordance with Title 38 US Code 3679(e), Piedmont Technical College adopts the following provisions for any students using U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Post-9/11 G.I. Bill (Ch. 33) or Vocational Rehabilitation  & Employment (Ch. 31) benefits, while payment to the institution is pending from VA. Piedmont Technical College will not:

  • Prevent the student’s enrollment;
  • Assess a late penalty fee to the student;
  • Require the student to secure alternative or additional funding;
  • Deny the student access to any resources (access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities) available to other students who have satisfied their tuition and fee bills to the institution.

To quality for this provision, such students may be required to:

  • Produce a VA Certificate of Eligibility (COE) by the first day of class;
  • Provide a written request to be certified;
  • Provide additional information needed to properly certify the enrollment as described in other institutional policies.
Contact Information
  • Education (GI Bill and Dependents): 1-888-GIBILL1 (1-888-442-4551).
  • VA website at 

Ineligible Courses

The following cannot be certified for VA benefits:
  • Courses not leading to an educational, professional, or vocational objective (i.e. continuing education courses).
  • Courses previously completed successfully.
  • Courses taken while not admitted to a diploma, certificate or degree program.
  • Self-improvement courses.
  • Recreational programs.
  • Auditing courses.
  • Any course not approved by the State Approving Agency.
All policies are subject to change based on institutional and federal guidelines.