Training and Programs

College employees regularly participate in Title IX training as a part of a larger effort of the South Carolina Technical College System to further educate college faculty and staff of their obligations to report allegations of inappropriate or threatening conduct. This information is shared with faculty and staff throughout the school year, including through training modules in Skillsoft. Questions related to Employee Training should be addressed to the Title IX Coordinator for Faculty and Staff at [email protected] or 864-941-8611.

In order to ensure compliance with Section 304 of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) which amends the Clery Act, Piedmont Technical College has included information in its New Student Orientation program to further educate students regarding the definitions of consent, dating violence, domestic violence, sexual harassment, sexual assault, and stalking.

Title IX Staff Training

Title IX Staff (Coordinators, Investigators, etc.) are required to receive specialized training on dealing with reports of sexual discrimination. The content of that training is available at the links below:

Student Training

Information pertaining to Title IX and Bystander Intervention will be shared with students through online training in D2L. Questions related to required training should be addressed to the Dean of Students at [email protected] or 864-941-8364.

In addition, primary prevention and awareness sessions are conducted throughout the school year to inform students of relevant definitions, deliberate programming, strategies and initiatives intended to end dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. 

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