Proctored Testing

Procedures for Students Taking Proctored, Makeup or Retests

  1. Present your PTC I.D. to the Testing Center staff.
  2. Sign in at the Testing Center kiosk/computer.
  3. Only approved/prescribed items are permitted in the testing area. Leave textbooks, book bags, notes, etc. at the area designated by the proctor.
  4. Use of phones, electronic devices, or any Bluetooth-enabled device is prohibited in the testing area. Students may use the available lockers to secure items until testing is complete.
  5. Sit in the designated area.
  6. Have only your test, clean scratch paper that will be provided by the proctor upon request, and pencils/pens on the table, unless otherwise indicated by your instructor.
  7. Complete your test in one session. You must allow enough time to finish your test before the lab closes or your next class begins.
  8. If you have questions, concerns or needs, ask the Testing Center staff for assistance. Any issue should be brought to the Testing Center's attention immediately.
  9. Do not talk to other students during testing.
  10. Do not leave the test area during testing.
  11. Turn in your completed test to the Testing Center staff.
  12. Sign out upon finishing your test.

Location: Testing Center (B Building, Room 150, Greenwood Campus)

Note: If you need to complete a test, please arrive at least two hours prior to closing.

Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Procedures for Non-PTC Students Taking Proctored ONLINE and PAPER Tests

  1. Complete the Request for Proctoring Test for Non-PTC Students form.
  2. Pay the $30 per test fee to the Business Office, room 141B, or call (864) 941-8322. Testing fees can also be paid at the County Campuses. 
    **No testing appointments will be made until this fee is paid. 
  3. For testing at the Lex Walters-Greenwood campus, contact the Testing Center to make an appointment for testing by calling (864) 941-8748.
  4. You must contact the Testing Center three to four days in advance. Failure to do so may result in a missed test deadline.
  5. Students taking courses from colleges/universities other than PTC must follow PTC's school calendar. Please note days that the college is closed to students.

Location: Greenwood Testing Center Only

Monday: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Tuesday: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Wednesday: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Thursday: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Contact Information for Other PTC Locations

Please call your local PTC campus to obtain their testing days and times.  It is most important that you contact your local campus at least two weeks in advance to schedule an appointment for testing.

Abbeville – (864) 446-8324
Edgefield – (803) 637-5388
Laurens – (864) 938-1508
McCormick – (864) 852-3191
Newberry – (803) 276-9000
Saluda – (864) 445-3144


Procedures for PTC Students Taking Proctored Online Testing at Non-PTC Campuses

  1. Students must complete a Non-PTC Proctor Application form.
  2. Students must contact the chosen testing location to obtain their testing policy and schedule.

Procedures for Instructors

The staff of the Testing Center provides a service to both students and instructors for make-up testing, retesting, and online testing. With the cooperation of our instructors, the Center can offer this service during testing hours. Since the testing center has expanded its role, it is more important than ever that procedures be uniformly followed to maintain the integrity of the testing process and to provide a suitable testing environment.

The Testing Center is not open for testing during non-class days (holidays, vacations, in-service days, etc.).

Please follow the procedures below for academic testing:

  1. Complete the "Proctored Testing" form found in the Faculty Toolbox in Pathway.
  2. Include any information that the testing center specialist and student need to know.
  3. Inform students of the testing hours. If these hours do not suit the student, the student will need to make other arrangements with the instructor.
  4. Instructors with special requests should notify the Testing Center and arrange, in advance, for such requests to be implemented.