Testing Services

Work Keys Testing

Work Keys testing hours: Monday - Thursday, 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. Testing and payment for testing is done in the GA building, located at 313 North Emerald Rd. Photo ID is required. Work Keys exams are $25 each, or $65 for the Basic 3, which includes math, reading, and locating information. 

Promotional Testing

Our division offers various types of promotional testing for employers. Testing for Machinists and Mechanics is most common.

Call (864) 941-8400 to inquire about additional testing opportunities.

View Your Scores

Work Keys scores are valid for 5 years. To obtain a copy of Work Keys scores previously done at PTC’s testing center, please call 864-941-8400 or visit the GA building. To obtain scores taken elsewhere, please call 1-800-WORK-KEY (1-800-967-5539). 

Click to View Your Scores