Grading Policy

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At the end of the term, grade point averages (GPAs) are computed for the academic work completed for that term (excluding developmental courses) and for the cumulative academic work completed while at Piedmont Technical College. Unless a course is repeated, the grade point average is determined by dividing the total number of quality points earned by the number of term hours attempted as shown in the following example. When a course is repeated, the highest grade earned will be used in computing the cumulative grade point average. The student’s record, however, will continue to carry the original grade awarded, but it will not be calculated into the GPA.




Grade Points

Hours Attempted

Quality Points

MAT 110 College Algebra





ENG 101 English Comp I





BIO 101 Biological Science I





PSY 103 Human Relations








31.0 Quality Points/13.0 Hours = 2.38 GPA 

Midterm Grading

At the mid-point of each term (excluding summer and other condensed terms), a midterm grade for each student will be assigned by the instructor. The following grade designations will be used:

S = Satisfactory: The student is likely to earn an A, B or C

M = Marginal: The student is in danger of failing

U = Unsatisfactory: The student is likely to earn a D, F or NC depending on the curriculum requirement.

Students can access their midterm grades through PTC Pathway after grades are posted. Academic advisors and counselors may monitor midterm grades to provide assistance in improving students’ grade performance.

Final Grading

Letter grades are given in all courses at the end of each term to indicate the quality of work done by the student. Students must check their final grades at the end of each term on PTC Pathway.


Letter Grade

Grade Range


Grade Points




4 grade points per term hour



Above Average

3 grade points per term hour




2 grade points per term hour




1 grade point per term hour


Below 60


No grade points

*Students in nursing classes should refer to course syllabi for specific information regarding grade calculation.

* Students in Health Care programs should refer to the Health Care Student Handbook for specific grading policies.

AU = Audit
Assigned when a student has enrolled in a course for audit purposes. (No credit awarded). 

CF = Carry Forward
Awarded only for a course that is scheduled across terms such as self-paced, distance learning, or, where applicable, independent study. No credit or grade points are earned at the time of grading. The “CF” grade must be replaced by a permanent grade when the course is completed. After a period of 20 weeks, the “CF” will convert to an “F” grade if not completed.

E = Exempt
Indicates a course was exempted by the student. Specific codes for the appropriate types of exemption are:

     EA = Exemption: High School Articulation
     EC = Exemption: College Credit Over 10 Years Old
     EE = Exemption: Examination
     EL = Exemption: Life Experience
     EM = Exemption: Military
     EP = Exemption: Advanced Credit (AP exams, CLEP)

I = Incomplete
A small part of the term’s work remains undone. The student is allowed 30 school days to remove the incomplete grade; otherwise, the “I” is changed to an “F.”

NC = No Credit
The student has made progress in a developmental course but needs to re-enroll to complete the course.

TR = Transfer
Awarded for allowable equivalent credits earned at other colleges or universities.

S = Satisfactory
Indicates an acceptable level of performance in a Continuing Education course.

U = Unsatisfactory
Denotes failure to attain an acceptable level of achievement in a Continuing Education course.

W = Withdrawal
Awarded under the following circumstances:

  • Student-initiated withdrawal after the add/drop period, but at least two weeks prior to the end of the term. The deadline for condensed terms may be earlier. Students should withdraw through PTC Pathway.
  • Administrative withdrawal for certain extenuating circumstances, which include, but are not limited to, disciplinary issues, health or safety concerns, or failure to comply with general policies and procedures of the college or clinical sites.

Grade Appeals

Final grades may be appealed only within two consecutive terms following the term in which the grade was received. For example: Spring grade–Summer/Fall appeal; Summer grade–Fall/Spring appeal; Fall grade–Spring/Summer appeal. To file an appeal, use the Student Instructional Complaint Process in the Student Handbook. 

Academic Honors

Eligibility for academic honors is determined at the end of each term and letters will be mailed by the third week of the following term. For purposes of Academic Honors, full-time is defined as at least 12 credit hours, but does not include developmental courses.

President’s List

The President’s List will be published each term to recognize full-time students who have earned term GPAs of 4.0. These students will receive a certificate of achievement signed by the college president.

Dean’s List

The Dean’s List will be published each term naming students who are attending full time and have earned term GPAs of 3.75 or higher.

Merit List

The Merit List will be published each term to recognize students who are registered for 6-11 credit hours and have earned term GPAs of 3.75 or better.

Honor Societies

Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) is the international organization of two year college scholars designed to recognize and honor scholastic achievement. Students qualify for membership by meeting the following criteria:

  1. Must have accumulated at least 12 credit hours;
  2. Must maintain a 3.5 cumulative GPA; and
  3. Must be working towards an associate degree.

Lambda Chi Nu was created for Associate Degree Nursing students or graduates who have earned a grade point average of at least 3.25 or are in the top 10% of class after midterm of second level courses. This honor society was formed to honor outstanding academic achievement, professionalism and clinical nursing excellence.

Tau Alpha Pi is open to Engineering Technology students and graduates who achieve high academic standards. Members are involved in campus and community activities and are working to build a network with local business professionals.

Lambda Beta Society is a national honor society for Respiratory Care. Students must be in the top 25 percent of their class to become members.

Tau Upsilon Alpha (National Organization for Human Services Honor Society) honors academic excellence; fosters lifelong learning, leadership and development and to promote excellence in service to humanity. Open to any Human Services major with a GPA of 3.25 or higher and has completed at least 12 credit hours in HUS.

Kappa Pi International Art Honor Society is open to current students or graduates of the Commercial Arts program and Arts faculty at the college. Students must achieve and/or maintain a GPA of 3.25 and be a good representative of the arts and commercial arts programs. Kappa Pi promotes an emphasis on production of quality artwork and high scholarship in art studies and practices, as well as strengthening and increasing the art programs and departments at the college..