Student Life Events
College is more than just classes and studying—it's about creating unforgettable experiences, connecting with fellow students, and enjoying everything campus life has to offer! Whether you need a quick coffee break, want to learn something new, or are just in the mood for some fun and games, there's always something exciting happening on campus. Check out the latest events and jump in whenever you're ready to make the most of your PTC experience!
- Dec. 3 - Ugly Sweater Party
10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Student Center on Greenwood Campus
Celebrate the end of the semester with snacks, music, games and more.
- Dec. 4 - Ugly Sweater Party
10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Student Center on Greenwood Campus
Celebrate the end of the semester with snacks, music, games and more.
- Dec. 4 - Crazy Socks (Newberry)
All day at Newberry County Campus
Celebrate the upcoming holidays by wearing your favorite, festive or Christmas socks.
- Dec. 5 - Craft Therapy: Christmas Crafts
9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Student Center on Greenwood Campus
We'll have our Christmas craft supplies out so you can make gifts for loved ones or just take a brain break from studying.