Student Records F.A.Q.

These questions are developed to answer some of the most common questions that students ask about managing their courses, programs and information at the college.

Click on a question that interests you to get a quick answer. If you need further information, contact the Student Records Office at (864) 941-8361.


What is the Fresh Start Program?

This program is offered to allow a student who may have done poorly in a previous attempt at college to gain a “fresh start.” In order to qualify for Academic Fresh Start, a student must meet the following criteria:

  • Student has not been enrolled at PTC for a period of at least three years
  • Student previously completed at least 12 credit hours (excluding withdrawals) with a cumulative GPA of less than 2.0
  • Student must complete the first term of re-enrollment with a term GPA of 2.0 or better in a minimum of 6 credit hours (excluding developmental courses) before the previous grades will be removed from the GPA calculation
  • Student must apply for Academic Fresh Start during the first two terms of re-enrollment and may only apply once

Under this program, all Piedmont Technical College credits earned prior to the granting of Academic Fresh Start will be eliminated from the computation of the student’s grade point average and may never be used toward graduation at Piedmont Technical College. Any courses used previously toward the completion of a certificate, diploma or degree cannot be removed from the GPA. Students should see the Registrar for more details about this program. For financial assistance, the federal government requires a student’s academic progress to be tracked from the first date of enrollment, whether or not financial aid was received. Academic Fresh Start will not change this policy or alter the student’s course completion rate. Please refer to the Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress for further information.

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What is the Transfer Back Program?

The Transfer Back program is available to students who will transfer to another college before completing degrees, diplomas or certificates at PTC.  Participants can transfer credits back to PTC to complete their programs of study and receive the degree, diploma or certificate after leaving the College.  Contact the Registrar for application forms.

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How do I get Transfer Credits / Exemptions?

Coursework completed at other accredited colleges or universities will be accepted for transfer credit at PTC.  The criteria for evaluation of credits are; the institution must be a part of the Department of Education nationally recognized accrediting agency, the course must parallel content of required course, and a grade of "C" must be earned. Transfer credit will not be awarded for courses over 8 years old which are technical in nature or with content that may change over time.  Examples include courses in computer technology, mechanical engineering, and integrated systems technology.  Some programs may also be limited in awarding transfer credit for older courses due to accreditation. 

There are several types of exemption credits available at PTC.  These include High School Articulation (TAP credit), advanced placement exams (CLEP, College Board subject exams), military, life experience and credit by exams. For further details, contact the Registrar.

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How do I Audit a Course?

A student who desires to attend classes regularly but does not wish to take examinations or receive credit may register as an auditor. A record of classes attended will be maintained. No credit is awarded for such courses and cannot be granted at a later date. A student enrolled in a course for credit cannot change to audit after the drop/add period. The participation of auditors in class discussions or examinations is at the discretion of the instructor. Students are expected to pay $55 per credit hour to enroll and attend classes regularly.

Nursing and Health Science students that re-enroll and/or repeat program courses must adhere to the audit policy outlined by the department. Students are responsible for any fees associated with the course such as insurance and testing fees.

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Academic Probation

All Piedmont Technical College students must maintain a 2.0 semester/term and cumulative grade point average (GPA) to be considered in satisfactory academic standing. It is the policy of Piedmont Technical College to require that a 2.0 GPA be maintained for continued enrollment. In order to continue receiving VA benefits, a student must maintain satisfactory progress. 

Academic Warning

A student whose cumulative grade point average (GPA) falls below a 2.0 will be placed on academic warning (AW). A notification is issued to each student with recommendations for academic improvement including tutoring, counseling with the Student Success Center staff, reduced academic load, etc. 

Academic Probation

A student previously placed on academic warning who does not earn a cumulative 2.0 GPA or higher at the end of the next term of enrollment is placed on academic probation (AP). Notification is issued to each student explaining the process for continuing enrollment at PTC.

Any student placed on Academic Probation is required to meet with an AP Counselor to complete an AP Contract. The AP Counselor will calculate the required grades necessary to progress towards satisfactory standing in the next semester. Students are not eligible to register for the next term until the AP Contract is completed and all grades for the current term are posted. 

Extended Academic Probation

If a student fails to earn a cumulative 2.0 GPA or higher at the end of the first term on Academic Probation, the student will be placed on Extended 30 Academic Probation for one additional semester. Notification is issued to each student explaining expectations for the Extended Academic Probation period and the potential for suspension if the student’s cumulative GPA does not rise to a 2.0 or higher. Students on Extended Academic Probation are subject to the same restriction as those on Academic Probation as explained above.

During the additional semester on probation, the student should make contact with a counselor to explore further resources to assist the student in meeting the 2.0 standard for maintaining satisfactory academic standing. PTC may also reach out to these students to offer supplementary services, if available. 

Academic Suspension

A student on Extended Academic Probation who fails to earn a cumulative GPA of a 2.0 or higher at the end of the next term of enrollment will be placed on Academic Suspension and will be suspended from attending classes at PTC for the following academic term. When the student reenters the college, the student remains on Academic Suspension status and must complete a new AP Contract for the incoming term prior to registration. Failure to achieve an acceptable GPA after re-admission makes the student subject to Academic Dismissal for a period of one year. When a student is on Academic Suspension, all financial aid and veterans benefits are automatically terminated.

Academic Dismissal

A student placed on Academic Suspension who fails to achieve a minimum cumulative 2.0 at the end of the term of re-enrollment or a 2.5 semester GPA will be subject to Academic Dismissal for a period of one calendar year. After one year of non-enrollment, the student may reapply to the college for admission and meet with a New Student Advisor or County Campus Advisor for advising and registration assistance.

Appeals Process

In the event of unusual or extenuating circumstances a student may appeal an academic suspension or academic dismissal. The Academic Appeals Committee will hear appeals prior to the start of classes each term. Students wishing to appeal their suspension must submit appropriate documentation of their extenuating circumstances and may request to appear before the committee. The Committee will decide whether to uphold the suspension/ dismissal or to allow the student to register for the following term. The Committee will also determine if certain conditions will be required for continued enrollment, such as reduced load, academic counseling, tutoring, etc. If the student’s appeal is denied by the Committee, a petition for continued enrollment may be made to the President or designee. Detailed instructions on how to file an appeal are available to students in the Student Handbook. Dates for appeals will be posted in the Student Calendar

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Academic Honors

President’s List

The President’s List will be published each term to recognize full-time students who have earned term GPAs of 4.0. These students will receive a certificate of achievement signed by the college president.

Dean’s List

The Dean’s List will be published each term naming students who are enrolled full time and have earned term GPAs of 3.75 or higher.

Merit List

The Merit List will be published each term to recognize students who are registered for 6-11 credit hours and have earned term GPAs of 3.75 or better.

*Eligibility for academic honors is determined at the end of each term and letters will be mailed by the third week of the following term. For purposes of Academic Honors, full-time is defined as at least 12 credit hours, but does not include developmental courses.

Honor Societies

Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) is the international organization of two-year college scholars designed to recognize and honor scholastic achievement. Students qualify for membership by meeting the following criteria:

  • Must have accumulated at least 12 credit hours
  • Must maintain a 3.5 cumulative GPA
  • Must be working towards an associate degree

Lambda Chi Nu was created for Associate Degree Nursing students or graduates who have earned grade point average of at least 3.0 or be in the top 15% of class after mid-term of second level courses. This honor society was formed to honor outstanding academic achievement, professionalism and clinical nursing excellence.

Tau Alpha Pi is open to Engineering Technology students and graduates who achieve high academic standards. Members are involved in campus and community activities and are working to build a network with local business professionals.

Lambda Beta Society is a national honor society for Respiratory Care. Students must be in the top 25 percent of their class to become members.

Kappa Pi is an international art honor society and is open to current students or graduates of the Commercial Arts program and Arts faculty at the college. Students must achieve and/or maintain a GPA of 3.25 and be a good representative of the arts and commercial arts programs.

Tau Upsilon Alpha is the National Organization for Human Services that honors academic excellence, fosters lifelong learning, leadership and development and promotes excellence in service to humanity. Open to any Human Services major with a GPA of 3.25 or higher and has completed at least 12 credit hours in HUS.

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Security of Student Records

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that protects the confidentiality of student educational records.  Once a student reaches 18 years of age or attends a postsecondary institution, he or she becomes an “eligible student,” and all rights formerly given to parents under FERPA transfer to the student.

Under FERPA, an eligible student has the following rights:

  • The right to have access to his or her education records
  • The right to seek to have the records amended
  • The right to have control over the disclosure of personally identifiable information from the records (except in certain circumstances specified in the FERPA regulations)
  • The right to file a complaint with the Department of Education

Piedmont Technical College will disclose information from a student’s educational record only with the written consent of the student. FERPA allows disclosure of information without written consent under the following circumstances:

  1. School officials with a legitimate educational interest may obtain access to personally identifiable information within the education record. A school official is defined as an employee of the college or a college contractor to whom we have outsourced institutional services or functions. A legitimate educational interest is defined as the need to review an education record in order to fulfill a professional responsibility as part of the individual’s job at the college.
  2. Disclosure in connection with financial aid for which the student has applied or which the student has received.
  3. Other schools to which a student is transferring, when requested.
  4. Parents of a “dependent student” may have access to student records if the parents demonstrate to the college that the student is a dependent by providing the most recent tax documentation.
  5. Disclosure to appropriate parties, including parents, regarding the student’s violation of any federal, state, or local law, or of any rule or policy of the institution, governing the use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance.
  6. To comply with a judicial order or a lawfully issued subpoena.
  7. To appropriate officials in cases of health and safety emergencies.
  8. Disclosure of “directory information.” Directory information is general information that may be released by the institution for any purpose, at its discretion, unless a signed request for nondisclosure is on file with the Student Records Office. The following is considered directory information at Piedmont Technical College:
    • student name
    • address
    • e-mail address
    • telephone number
    • major field of study
    • dates of attendance
    • degrees and awards received
    • enrollment status
    • photograph
    • grade level or year
  9. Additional information regarding conditions under which FERPA allows information to be released without student consent can be found at the following website:

Students have the right to withhold disclosure of directory information under FERPA. To withhold disclosure, students must complete the FERPA Non-Disclosure Request Form in the Student Records Office.

Occasionally, colleges and universities request directory information on our students in order to offer transfer opportunities to graduates. It is the policy of Piedmont Technical College to release the name and address of students only when requested in writing by public or private, not for profit, institutions of higher education. We are required to release this information to the military when requested. Information is not released for students who request that their records remain confidential.

Records created by a campus law enforcement unit, created for a law enforcement purpose, and maintained by the law enforcement unit, are not “education records” subject to the protections of FERPA. As such, the law enforcement unit may disclose law enforcement unit records to third parties without the eligible student’s prior written consent. However, education records, or personally identifiable information from education records, which the school shares with the law enforcement unit do not lose their protected status as education records because they are shared with the law enforcement unit.

Students have the right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the College to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is:

Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202-5901


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