Contact Us: Greenwood Campus,
Piedmont Technical College Procurement Policy and Procedures: 7-8-1012.1 Procurement
Notice to Vendors: All vendors MUST be registered with the State of South Carolina (Click here for more information).
To access the BID DOCUMENTS, please click on the corresponding solicitation title.
Emergency Procurements
EP-25001: Roof Replacement for Saluda County Campus
Current Solicitations
PTC-341 HVAC Equipment for Medford Center
Notice of Intent to Sole Source:
SS-25001: Technical Training Aids
SS-25002: Hoffman Building Technologies, Inc.
SS-24012: Rad Source X-Ray Systems
SS-24011: Gaumard Scientific Manikins
SS-24008: Anatomage, Inc./3D Virtual Dissection Table
SS-24007: L3 Harris/Truck Driver Training Simulator
SS-24006: Carolina Training Associates, Inc.
SS-24005: Technical Training Aids
SS-23019: Haas/Phillips UR5e Cobot Robots
SS-23015: Go1 Quadruped A1 Robot
SS-21018: Labor, Delivery, & Newborn Patient Simulators
SS-21016: Patient Training Simulators
SS-21015: Respiratory Care Equipment
SS-21013: Renishaw, Inc., Educational Equator 300 - Special Educational Package
SS-21012: Carolina Training Associates: FESTO Trainer
SS-20002: Siemens PLC Trainer Packages, peripherals, cables, power supplies, & software licenses
SS-20001: Acurite & Newell Digital Readouts & Installation
SS-19009: Clausing Lathes/SHARP Vertical Mill
SS-19008: HAAS Lathe/Mini Mill
SS-19007: ABB Robots/FlexTrainers
SS-19006: MSSC 95-MSB1 Skill Boss Trainers (2)
SS-19005: EM-140 G4FD Engine Performance Trainer
SS-19004: Hamilton - G5 Model Ventilator
SS-19003: HeartWorks/BodyWorks Ultrasound Package
SS-19002: Mitutoyo Metrology Equipment
SS-19001: FESTO Mechanical Training Systems
Solicitation Awards/Intent to Award:
PTC-327 Janitorial Services Intent to Award
PTC-336 Portable CVT Ultrasound System
PTC-334 Portable CVT Ultrasound System - NO AWARD
PTC-325 Plant Beds_Trees - Gwd
PTC-326 Plant Beds_Trees - County Campuses
PTC-324 ERC Statement of Award
PTC-323 CVT Ultrasound Statement of Award
PTC-322/ERC - Employee Retention Tax Credit Consulting Services - NO AWARD
PTC-315 SAP Services - MMO Solicitation#: 5400020530
PTC-314 PTC Kitchen/Cafe Equipment
PTC-313 PTC Grounds Maintenance - MMO Solicitation#: 5400020416
PTC-312 Vending/Food Services - MMO Solicitation#: 5400019234
PTC-311 Bookstore Services - MMO Solicitation#: 5400019281
PTC-309 EAP Services - MMO Solicitation#: 5400019132
PTC-310: Gunsmithing Tooling Equipment Tool Kits
PTC-308: Used (2010 or newer) Class 8 Tractor Truck
PTC-307: Used (2010 or newer) Class 8 Tractor Truck - No Award
PTC-306 - ERP Financial Reporting Software
PTC-305 Auditing Services - StateTech Solicitation
PTC-304 Student Transportation Service
PTC-303: Web-based Academic Catalog Management Solution - StateTech Solicitation
PTC-302 Ultra Sound - StateTech Solicitation
TC-301 Adobe Creative Cloud Licenses - RENEWAL
PTC-300 Tethered DR X-Ray System for Veterinary Technology Program
PTC-299 Market Research and Enrollment Management Services
PTC-298 Re-Bid Used Dump Truck-Cancelled
PTC-297 Re-Bid Used Tractor Truck (Class 8)
PTC-296 Used Dump Truck - Cancelled
PTC-295 Used Tractor Truck (Class 8) - Cancelled
PTC-294 Tuition PP&CardProcessing
PTC-292 Automated Medication Dispensing System
PTC-290 Adobe Creative Cloud Device Licenses - Renewal
PTC-289 Laser Engraver / Cutter
PTC-284 Wacom Intuos Pro Tablets