Laurens County Campus
The 39,000 square-foot facility serves Piedmont Technical College students who reside in Laurens County and provides a home to Laurens County Adult Education (Lifelong Learning - School Districts 55 and 56).
Students have the opportunity to take credit or non-credit courses in 1) a traditional classroom setting, 2) via satellite, or 3) two-way video. Student services at the Laurens Campus include advising, financial aid, placement testing, career counseling, registration, and library services. Students may also pay fees and buy books at the Laurens Campus.
Student IDs and PTC parking stickers are available free of charge in the LCHEC library.
Laurens County Campus
663 Medical Ridge Road
Clinton, SC 29325
United States
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Friday: 8am-12pm
(Summer) Open: 8 am - Please contact the campus for current schedule.
Testing Hours
Monday-Thursday from 8 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Meeting Space
We offer meeting space and room rental for events to the Laurens community. For rates, or to reserve space, contact Ben Higgins at (864) 941-8408 or Christine Eagleson at (864) 941-8411.
Virtual Tour