Fair Use
Section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Law provides for fair use exemption. Fair Use is intended to balance the needs of scholars and students with the rights of copyright owners. The law states that copyrighted materials may be used one time only under special circumstances which constitute fair use. While Fair Use Guidelines described on this page do not carry total legal force, they are usually considered a "safe harbor" for permissible use.
What constitutes fair use is expressed in the form of guidelines rather than explicit rules. When ruling in "fair use" cases, courts consider four factors: purpose, nature, proportion and impact. In the table below, we have summarized fair use guidelines for each of these factors. Consider where you stand on each factor and use the provided scale to determine how you will proceed.
4 out of 4 Your use of the copyrighted work is fair. |
3 out of 4 You are probably protected under Fair Use. |
2 out of 4 Use the copyrighted work at your own risk. |
1 out of 4 You are strongly advised not to use the work. |
Favoring Fair Use
Opposing Fair Use
Favoring Fair Use
Opposing Fair Use
Favoring Fair Use
Opposing Fair Use
Favoring Fair Use
Opposing Fair Use
4 out of 4 Your use of the copyrighted work is fair. |
3 out of 4 You are probably protected under Fair Use. |
2 out of 4 Use the copyrighted work at your own risk. |
1 out of 4 You are strongly advised not to use the work. |