Record & Online Renewal
Piedmont Tech's library catalog includes tools that allow borrowers to:
- see what items they have on loan
- check their due dates
- view outstanding fine balances
- renew borrowed materials *
Avoid overdue fines... If you have problems using this feature, contact the library staff so that we can renew your materials for you!
* Online renewal will not work when borrowed items are overdue or have been renewed too many times.
Accessing Your Library Record
- Visit the Library Catalog.
- Click the My Account link located in the bright blue bar at the top of the screen.
- Select the Review My Account link.
- Type your PTC Identification Number (P Number) in the userID blank. NOTE: If you are not a PTC student or employee, type the 14-digit number that appears under the barcode on your library card.
- Type the letters "ptc" in the password blank.
A list of your borrowed items along with due dates and fine estimates for overdue items will appear.
Renewing Your Library Materials
- Visit the Library Catalog.
- Click the My Account link located in the bright blue bar at the top of the screen.
- Select the Renew My Materials link.
- Type your PTC Identification Number (P Number) in the userID blank. NOTE: If you are not a PTC student or employee, type the 14-digit number that appears under the barcode on your library card.
- Type the letters "ptc" in the password blank.
- A list of your borrowed items will appear. You have the option of checking each individual item that you wish to renew, or you may on the radio button at the top labeled "Renew all."
- After making your selections, click the button at the bottom labeled "Renew Selected Items.