Poke Yoke

  • CRN:
  • Meeting times:
    Oct 24 2024 | R | 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Cost:

Mistake Proofing, also known as Poka Yoke, helps to better insure a high-performing work environment where human errors and defects are not accepted. Join us for a one-day workshop that mixes classroom and hands-on activity to teach or refresh knowledge of effectively implementing the Poka Yoke methodology developed by Shigeo Shingo of Toyota. A simple simulation allows participants to experience Shingo’s methodology first-hand. This makes for an informative interesting day of training. We begin the day with understanding the 3 levels of Poka Yoke and the relationship between errors and defects. Participants are encouraged to bring a defect from work for discussion and kicking off the 5-step Poke Yoke process.

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