For Companies
Workplace Immersion - Host an Educator in Summer 2021!
You are invited to become involved with this opportunity to impact the influencers of our area young people by hosting a summer Workplace Immersion experience for local educators from our high schools and colleges.
Companies will provide 25-30 hour on-site experience to educators that can include things such as:
- Helping with various projects
- Assisting with writing, research, and/or analysis of data
- Job shadowing
Scheduling for this experience will be worked out between your team and the educator. It is intended to be flexible and work for both parties. Examples of work projects could include things like updating job descriptions, editing technical documents, translating documents, assisting in a lab, creating presentations, etc. The ultimate goal for this experience is for the educators to come away from it with a sound knowledge of your company culture as well as an understanding of the many of the jobs, skill sets, technologies, and processes utilized therein. Ideally the educators will have provided value to your company with their completed work assignments.
Cost to participate is $500 per educator.
- How Can Workplace Immersion Help Your Company?
- Develop advocates for your industry and company within the walls of our local schools and colleges
- Increase the quality and quantity of applicants for apprenticeship programs and/or entry level positions
- Broaden the exposure of job opportunities and career pathways that support your industry
- Inform the skills and knowledge taught and reinforced to students
- Important Dates
May 20*, 4:30pm - Orientation
June 14 - Start Date (Colleges, Greenwood and McCormick counties)
June 21 - Start Date (Abbeville, Edgefield, Newberry and Saluda counties)
June 28 - Start Date (Laurens County)
June 29** - Professional Development Session A (Greenwood and McCormick counties)/Company Tour
July 8* - Celebration Ceremony (Greenwood and McCormick counties)
July 13** - Professional Development Session B (Abbeville, Edgefield, Laurens, Newberry and Saluda counties)/Company Tour
July 30* - Final Celebration Ceremony (all other counties)Please note the start and completion dates for educators in your county. During this timeframe, educators are expected to complete 25-30 hours with your company. A time log will be kept by the educator and will involve a signature from a manager from the company.
**Dates the educators will need to be off work for professional development.
*Mandatory Dates - A representative from your company must be present at these events.