Piedmont Tech Recognizes Employees for 320 Years of Service
Awards for service to Piedmont Technical College totaling 320 years were presented at a recent luncheon. Recipients and their individual service totals are: (front, from left) Lisa Crawford (20); Brenda Dailey (10); Carol Paguntalan (20); Toni Lee (20); Brenda Edwards (10); Betty Jean Gilchrist (30); Sissy Copeland (40); and Lynn Baker (30). Back, Dr. Ray Brooks, president of PTC; David Martin (10); David Rosenbaum (20); David Kibler (20); Zeolean Kinard (30); Jason Collins (10); Pleshette Elmore (10); Sandy Warner (20); and Dedrick Gantt (10). Not pictured is Jennifer Wilbanks (10). The group represents every sector of the institution, including faculty and staff.