Piedmont Tech Recognizes Employees for 390 Years of Service
Awards for service to Piedmont Technical College totaling 390 years were presented at a recent luncheon. Recipients and their individual service totals are, front from left, Charles Dixon (20); and Kevin Moore (20). Second, Lynn Mack (40); Sherry Holmes (20); Melanie Cochran (10); Beth Moore (10); Tamatha Sells (20); Dr. Dale Smoak (30); Dr. Sung Kim (20); John Edwards (10); Claudia Edwards (10); and Travis Bouknight (10). Back, Ben Higgins (10); Phil Wheeler (10); Sheryl Maffett (10); Lisa Toland (20); Gail Carruth (10); Michelle Liggett (10); Beverly Burton (30); Michael Rhinehart (10); and Dr. Ray Brooks, president of PTC. Not pictured are Dianne Gortney (30); Doug Massey (10); Eric Fisher (10); and Marc Renwick (10). The group represents every sector of the institution, including faculty and staff.