PTC to Showcase Training Opportunities in Advanced Manufacturing on April 30

The rise of the machines in our state’s growing advanced manufacturing industry is nothing to fear. In fact, it’s actually creating thousands of well-paying jobs for individuals with the right qualifications. Piedmont Technical College (PTC) invites those interested in learning about training programs for a range of careers in advanced manufacturing to a special showcase at its state-of-the-art Center for Advanced Manufacturing (CAM) in Laurens on Monday, April 30, at 6 p.m.

PTC educators will explain how manufacturing has become the No. 1 employment sector in the region and outline available degree or certificate programs in advanced manufacturing disciplines that can put graduates in their dream job, some in as little as a semester! The showcase will provide an overview of career opportunities, compatible PTC programs, scholarship information and tours of the CAM, located at 109 Innovation Drive in Laurens.


PTC Center for Advanced Manufacturing in Laurens