
Earnings Still Higher for College Grads

In a normal economy, more education typically means lower unemployment and higher earnings. Although there’s been a lot of concern over the last few years about the value of a college education—particularly about recent college grads being unable to find work, the data is clear that graduates are better off with even some college.

Academic Honor Students Recognized for 2012 Fall Semester

Piedmont Technical College students who had outstanding academic accomplishments during the 2012 fall semester have been recognized.

How to Avoid Student Loan Debt and Get a Great Education

Everyone has heard the new figures on student loan debt, and they are mind-boggling. According to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, student loan debt in the United States has now surpassed $1 trillion—that’s more than the total owed by Americans on their credit cards or auto loans. Total student debt is more than five times what it was a dozen years ago.

New Approaches to Closing the Skills Gap

Although the concept of the skills gap is getting increasing coverage in the news lately, it’s an issue that Piedmont Technical College is constantly working to address. The college is working directly with companies throughout its seven county service region to launch several new programs designed to help ensure a ready pipeline of skilled workers.

Facts & Finds: 2013's Best Paying Jobs & More...

There's a ton of writing about careers and education on the web every month. Here are some of the articles we found most interesting this month: including 2013's best paying jobs, Laurens County's pro-active plan to develop a stronger workforce for the future, and more.

PTC’s Newberry Campus Opens for Spring Classes

The new, state-of-the-art, LEED-certified facility in Newberry is open for business. Faculty and staff relocated to the new facility over the Christmas break from the old National Guard Armory and opened to the public January 2. Spring classes began January 16 with more than 650 students enrolled.

PTC Wins Prestigious Bellwether Award

Piedmont Technical College’s implementation of Lean in Higher Education has been awarded the prestigious 2013 Bellwether Award, which recognizes outstanding and innovative programs in community college education.

College: Still the Best Investment You Can Make

If you’ve been watching the news for the last few months, you’ve probably heard a few stories about how recent college grads in some fields are having trouble finding employment. This has led some to question whether college is still a good investment. If you’re curious, the answer is pretty simple. Yes, it’s still a good investment.

PTC Students Travel to State House for LTA Rally

A group of students and staff from Piedmont Technical College joined more than 300 SC Technical College System students at the State House recently to show their support for the LTA program.

How to Find Scholarships for College

You’ve made the decision to go to college. You’ve applied and been accepted to the school of your choice. You’ve picked your major. You’ve even bought your school sweatshirt. Now what?