Emergency Notification System FAQs

Q: What is the Emergency Notification System?

A: The Emergency Notification System is a communication service that Piedmont Technical College provides for all students, faculty, and staff.  All students, faculty, and staff will receive text and e-mail alerts about threats of imminent danger at or near any of the Piedmont Technical College Campuses. This service is used in conjunction with other communication channels including the Piedmont Technical College external alert tower and computer pop ups that take over all Piedmont Technical College computers on campus.  

Q: Do I need to sign up? If so how do I sign up?

A: As long as your information has been correctly entered into our BANNER system you will not need to sign up for this service. While completing your registration this information will automatically be uploaded into the Emergency Notification System.

Q: How will the message look and who will it come from?

A: The message will come from whichever campus activates the system followed by [email protected] and the subject will say High Importance! Followed by the event type and campus.  The body of the message will give you the type of event and instruction on what to do. The following is an example

From:"GREENWOOD CAMPUS" <[email protected]>
Date:Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 1:30 PM
Subject:High Importance! Emergency at Greenwood Campus


Emergency at the Greenwood Campus. This is the Piedmont Technical College Campus Police. Emergency at the Greenwood Campus. Wait for further instructions.

Q: Can my parents or other family members sign up for the Emergency Notification System?

A: If you use their phone numbers as your work, alternate, or emergency contact numbers they will receive the alert.

Q: Will I be charged for this service?

A: Piedmont Technical College is not charging students, faculty or staff for this service; however, depending on your agreement with your mobile phone provider, you may incur charges for text messages. Please check with your provider to understand your charges.

Q: What kind of situations will this notification process be used for?

A: Piedmont Technical College will only send you messages when circumstances arise posing a threat of imminent danger. Emergencies such as, but not limited to fire, tornado, hazardous materials spill, or an act of violence. The system will also be used for Timely Warning as identified by the Jeanne Clery Act.

Q: How is the system tested?

The system will be tested without Text messages or emails once a month and there will be a complete test of the system once a semester to ensure effectiveness.

Q: What is the Jeanne Clery Act?

A: The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act

(Clery Act), as part of the Higher Education Opportunity Act, is a federal law that requires colleges and universities to disclose certain timely and annual information about campus crime and security policies. All public and private institutions of postsecondary education participating in federal student-aid programs are subject to this requirement. The Clery Act requires colleges and universities to:

  • Publish an annual report disclosing campus security policies and documenting three previous calendar years of select campus crime statistics.
  • Provide crime statistics to the U.S. Department of Education.
  • Issue timely warnings about Clery Act crimes which pose a serious or ongoing threat to students and employees.
  • Keep a public crime log accessible to the public.
  • Uphold basic rights for survivors of sexual assault.  

Campus crime, arrest and referral statistics include those reported to the Piedmont Technical College Police Department, those designated as Campus Security Authorities, and law enforcement agencies who provide services to Piedmont Technical College owned and leased properties.

The Clery Act is named in memory of 19-year-old Lehigh University freshman Jeanne Ann Clery, who was raped and murdered on April 5, 1986, while asleep in her residence hall room.

Her parents, Connie and Howard Clery, later discovered that students hadn't been told about 38 violent crimes on the Lehigh campus in the three years before her murder. They joined with other campus crime victims and persuaded Congress to enact this law, which was originally known as the "Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990." A 1998 amendment formally named the law in memory of Jeanne Clery.

Q: Will this be used for weather-related closures?

A: This will only be used for weather-related emergencies if there is an imminent danger such as tornado or a snow storm with immediate impacts on Piedmont Technical College’s normal business operations.

Q: How long will it take to get a message when something is happening?

A: It depends on the situation, but this system is designed to deliver essential information quickly.

Q: What should I do when I receive an alert?

A: Follow the direction of the alert message unless doing so will place you in greater danger. Piedmont Technical College warnings are intended to support decisions for personal safety. When you become aware of a warning, make sure others around you are also aware of the potential danger. DO NOT respond to the scene of an emergency unless directed to do so. In addition to the possibility of becoming injured, your presence could interfere with the work of emergency response personnel.

Q: What do I do if my phone number changes?     

A: If your phone number or email address changes, you will need to go to student records and update your contact information.

Q: Will my personal contact information be kept private?

A: Your information will be kept confidential and only used for the emergency notification process.

Q: Who do I contact if I didn’t get a message during a threatening situation?

A: Please contact Campus Police and Security at 864-941-8563 or Help Desk 864-941-8627.

Q: Can I opt-out from receiving Message?

A: Although Piedmont Technical College strongly suggests that you do not opt-out, you do have the option to opt-out by going into your pathway account. If you chose to opt-out you will only be allowed to opt-out your personal contact information such as personal telephone numbers and personal e-mail account, all Piedmont Technical College issued e-mail and telephone accounts cannot be opted-out  

Q: If I still have questions who can I contact?

A: Campus Police and Security at 864-941-8000