Associate Degree Nursing Students Honored

Recent graduates of Piedmont Technical College’s associate degree nursing program at the Lex Walters Campus were recognized in a pinning ceremony in May. 


Nursing PinningThe students and their hometowns are, front from left: Abigail Abner, Abbeville; Kristin Anderson, Ninety Six; Jessica Beauford, Abbeville; and Natale Burton, Greenwood. Back, from left: Jessica Gibert, Greenwood; Heather L. Green, Greenwood; Stacy Haddon, Abbeville; Kimberly B. Riley, Saluda; and Rhianna E. Yates, Ninety Six.




Nursing PinningThe students and their hometowns are, front from left: Kelly L. Estes, Clinton; Esperanza Funkhouser, Augusta, Ga.; Brittany Harris, Anderson; Samantha T. Henderson, Sharon, Ga.; and Charlene Hester, Newberry. Back, from left: Faith A. Long, Whitmire; Vanessa Moran, Newberry; Candi C. Roach, Ware Shoals; Jessica Weathers, Whitmire; and Vivian Yarborough, Laurens.