Abby Pilgrim knows exactly what she wants to do with her future. And she knows the dual enrollment classes she took through Piedmont Technical College will help her get there.
A team of four representing West Carolina Telephone Company captured the 23rd Industry Cup at the 25th annual Piedmont Technical College Foundation Golf Classic for the second year in a row.
Although the official beginning of summer is June 21, local residents have already had their air conditioners running for several weeks. Piedmont Technical College recently expanded its offerings to make sure everyone can continue to beat the heat.
It seems every day there is a new report of computer hacking or system problems at a major company or organization. Piedmont Technical College is doing its part to prepare local workers to navigate an increasingly complex world of information technology challenges.
Piedmont Technical College and the Newberry County School District have formed a partnership to offer the PTC welding program at night beginning in the fall. The program is expected to expand to the full certificate offering in the spring 2018 pending SACSCOC approval of the Newberry County Career Center as an off-campus instructional site.
The drafting table still shapes the public perception of what engineering design professionals do in manufacturing, architecture and other job sectors. These workers are still called drafters. But within their field, vast changes in technology have transformed the way they design and produce things.
In May, Kenneth McDaniel prepared to walk across the graduation stage at Piedmont Technical College to complete a journey that he was not always sure was possible when he decided to get his degree.
"We believe that you deserve an education that's driven by your goals- an education designed from the ground up to prepare you for success."